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Gombak, Malaysia
"Aku tidak bermaksud kecuali (mendatangkan) perbaikan selagi aku masih berkesanggupan. Dan tidak ada taufik bagiku melainkan dengan (pertolongan) Allah. Hanya kepada Allah aku bertawakal dan hanya kepada-Nya-lah aku kembali." (Hud 11:88)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Panglima Prang! Ayuh Semangat Skit!

“panglima prang deuh panglima prang katroh geuwo
ngon raja nanggroe ngon raja nanggroe hate lam suka”

Panglima perang telah kembali
Dengan raja negeri dalam keadaan senang gembira

“kru seumangat meukru seumangat seuot judo dro
cutbang ka neuwo cutbang ka neuwo seunang ka neuba
Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah Tuhan lon pujo
beudoh cut putro beedoh cut putro seumah kakanda”

Mari kita sambut dengan gembira
Kekanda yang telah pulang
Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Tuhan
Bangunlah adinda sambut kekanda pulang

“geu hoi ngon kadi geu hoi ngon kadi ngon rakyat nanggroe
oh malam uro oh malam uro qur’an neubaca
nibak ilahi nibak ilahi geuseurah dro
pahlawan kamoe pahlawan kamoe beu ek sejahtra”

Seluruh perangkat negeri dan rakyat
Malam harinya membaca Al Qur’an
Kepada Ilahi kita serahkan diri
Semoga pahlawan kita ditinggikan kedudukannya

“wahe adun lon wahe adun lon panglima prang
hate lon seunang hate lon seunang ngon pesan
tijoh ie mata tijoh ie mata karena girang
teuku neu riwang teuku neu riwang ubat peunawa”

Wahai kandaku panglima perang
Hati dinda sangat senang tiada terkira
Berlinang air mata karena senangnya
Kakanda pulang obat penawar luka

"Dan perangilah mereka itu, sehingga tidak ada fitnah lagi dan (sehingga) ketaatan itu hanya semata-mata untuk Allah. Jika mereka berhenti (dari memusuhi kamu), maka tidak ada permusuhan (lagi), kecuali terhadap orang-orang yang zalim." (Al-Baqarah 2:193)

Lagu: Panglima Prang
Nyanyian: Izzatul Islam


Anonymous said...

Hey Forum!

I found an SWEET site last night when I was surfing with my boyfriend. Check out this [url=http://www.girlsteachguys.com/PlayVideo.aspx?LiveClip=54][b] Sex Positions [/b][/url] Video I found there.

Hope this helps folks here wanting to try something new… LOL


Candice W.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wassup?
I've been around here for a while now, and I finally found something worth writing about: I found This nice resource on [url=http://html2rss.com/rss.php?id=235780[b]Buy Entertainment Center & TV Stands [/b][/url].
Check them out I highly recommend

Anonymous said...

Hi There
I'm Looking to purchase [url=http://www.milesgershon.com/entertainment-centers.html][b]Entertainment Centers[/b][/url] or [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a new hotel chain I'm working at in.
Can anyone give me a good recommendation of where is the top deal on these? I live in San Francisco and I heard that the big thing about these [url=http://www.squidoo.com/ent3rtacn3tr][b]Entertainment Centers[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.


Anonymous said...

Hello Guys and Gals
I'm thinking of replacing my worn out[url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Center[/b][/url] with a new one from MilesGershon.com -Has anyone bought [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Centers[/b][/url]from these guys? I'm kind of concerned about delivery timetables



Anonymous said...

Hello Guys and Gals
I'm thinking of replacing my worn out[url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Center[/b][/url] with a new one from MilesGershon.com -Has anyone bought [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Centers[/b][/url]from these guys? I'm kind of concerned about shipping timetables



Anonymous said...

Hello Guys
I'm thinking of replacing my worn out[url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Center[/b][/url] with a new one from MilesGershon.com -Has anyone bought [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Centers[/b][/url]from these guys? I'm kind of worried about shipping times.



Anonymous said...

Hey Guys and Gals
I'm thinking of replacing my worn out[url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Center[/b][/url] with a new one from MilesGershon.com -Has anyone bought [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Centers[/b][/url]from these guys? I'm kind of worried about shipping times.



Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
I'm thinking of replacing my worn out[url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Center[/b][/url] with a new one from MilesGershon.com -Has anyone bought [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b] Entertainment Centers[/b][/url]from these guys? I'm kind of worried about shipping timetables



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